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*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/ETfHObKg92RFjzPn3l9RI90BPijqjPfnnagU8yk6uQ3YVg?e=xdAdTU Letter from Senate Democrats Against Notice of Intent (NOI) for Arctic Refuge Leasing], June 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/ETfHObKg92RFjzPn3l9RI90BPijqjPfnnagU8yk6uQ3YVg?e=xdAdTU Letter from Senate Democrats Against Notice of Intent (NOI) for Arctic Refuge Leasing], June 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EYg7A65_hT5Oo9GWfO5-ZIABKdQXnwEK_G6jZ81WMi74Jg?e=hbZGx3 Letter from House Democrats Against NOI for Arctic Refuge Leasing], June 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EYg7A65_hT5Oo9GWfO5-ZIABKdQXnwEK_G6jZ81WMi74Jg?e=hbZGx3 Letter from House Democrats Against NOI for Arctic Refuge Leasing], June 2018
*[House Natural Resources Committee Democrats Letter RE Notice of Intent for Arctic Refuge Leasing], April 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EfGMSMTxZOpIhOzAn70IDU8BSgMWBAbcvbiYDb5hVvXdfg?e=NNhuCO House Natural Resources Committee Democrats Letter RE Notice of Intent for Arctic Refuge Leasing], April 2018
*[ Republican Letter Opposing Arctic Refuge Drilling in Budget Process], June 2017
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EUDBJJWiKt9Nqar7ZREPRTEBv-4oFj2Q6noO0ulixocAZg?e=AjbS2G Republican Letter Opposing Arctic Refuge Drilling in Budget Process], June 2017
*[ Bicameral Letter to Secretary Zinke Opposing Secretarial Order 3352], June 2017
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/ERMJHvED-rxBi2TFN-Ki-9wB8cdkx69dqJTCX3SB7n73qQ?e=bWkL7w Bicameral Letter to Secretary Zinke Opposing Secretarial Order 3352], June 2017
==<span id="Public Letters"></span>Public Letters==  
==<span id="Public Letters"></span>Public Letters==  
*[https://thelastoil.unm.edu/scholars-for-defending-the-arctic-refuge/ Letter from Scholars to Secretary Zinke Against the NOI for Arctic Refuge Leasing], June 2018
*[https://thelastoil.unm.edu/scholars-for-defending-the-arctic-refuge/ Letter from Scholars to Secretary Zinke Against the NOI for Arctic Refuge Leasing], June 2018
*Letter from Guides & Outdoor Recreation Professionals Against NOI for Arctic Refuge Leasing, June 2018  
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EVLy-s0v7J1MqSTUyA1X5z4B05FNq_gdhjtzbfS9jf8C7w?e=quSUBE Letter from Guides & Outdoor Recreation Professionals Against NOI for Arctic Refuge Leasing], June 2018  
*Letter from Professional Athletes Against Development in the Arctic Refuge, June 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EQolNx4uuyhPtwhwZLSPgOsBqKwyAwQts2EqnSiaYwQNfg?e=e8wNyh Letter from Professional Athletes Against Development in the Arctic Refuge], June 2018
*Letter from the Gwich'in Steering Committee Against Development in the Arctic Refuge, May 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EZ802l2E4npDqm6G4OUPA0cBl8foJece3UsVc0Mv7HyPyQ?e=KBGvDC Letter from the Gwich'in Steering Committee Against Development in the Arctic Refuge], May 2018
*Letter from Investors Worth $2.52 Trillion Against Development in the Arctic Refuge , May 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EVcackI4ySlBiPoaAEiwkMIBNBmS-VH3dqKUFNcqEJ7DXA?e=70cEWt Letter from Investors Worth $2.52 Trillion Against Development in the Arctic Refuge], May 2018
==<span id="Maps"></span>Maps==  
==<span id="Maps"></span>Maps==  
*[ ASRC Lands in the Arctic Refuge]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/Edp-L0fuUopJqckLT7HnUUEBj5W8KjNmQlOvOJGMVVRA_w?e=8QM1Qj ASRC Lands in the Arctic Refuge]
*[ Porcupine Caribou Herd Migration Route Map - Gwich'in Steering Committee]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/Eb0MpHWFXxpKli6By6_lwG8BzWAQ_uWps_EMrqTnfrhe2g?e=WGSwIB Porcupine Caribou Herd Migration Route Map - Gwich'in Steering Committee]
*[ Oil & Gas Leasing in the North Slope]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/ESDqTAvi4LtOmc3R5Pc1l_IBlGH_2uSGMhIEyklCiJ_dwg?e=Fbe3sE Oil & Gas Leasing in the North Slope]
*[ Arctic Values Map]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/Ec3oV9_ga2VImUcZiCE1KcgBpvddC6s1NtNWwLHNtyarag?e=Wk6MVX Arctic Values Map]
==<span id="Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill"></span>Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill==  
==<span id="Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill"></span>Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill==  
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/reports/2018/08/27/455150/the-favor-factory/ The Favor Factory - Center for American Progress], August 2017
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/reports/2018/08/27/455150/the-favor-factory/ The Favor Factory - Center for American Progress], August 2017
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/reports/2018/08/09/454309/powerful-arctic-oil-lobby-group-youve-never-heard/ The Most Powerful Arctic Lobby Group You've Never Heard Of - Center for American Progress], August 2018
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/reports/2018/08/09/454309/powerful-arctic-oil-lobby-group-youve-never-heard/ The Most Powerful Arctic Lobby Group You've Never Heard Of - Center for American Progress], August 2018
*[ Oil Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Impacts on Deficit and National Energy Security], November 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EbKZUpG0enROo4oEbxXPhrYBxOCVaL1NLLlBbLGOkhms4A?e=8juIFW Oil Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Impacts on Deficit and National Energy Security], November 2018
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/news/2017/10/10/440559/arctic-national-wildlife-refuge-101/ Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 101], October 2017
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/news/2017/10/10/440559/arctic-national-wildlife-refuge-101/ Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 101], October 2017

Revision as of 12:17, 21 September 2018

Arctic refuge rainbow shrunk.jpg
  • Total Acreage – 19.6 million
  • Coastal Plain Acreage – 1.5 million
  • Original Protection – 1960 under Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Expanded Protection – 1980 under Jimmy Carter in the Alaska National Interest Land Conservation Act (ANILCA)
  • Most Recent Protection – 2015 under President Obama, USFWS Wilderness recommendation transmitted to Congress of 12.28 million acres
  • Drilling Threats - The Trump administration is aiming for 3D seismic testing as soon as this winter and the first lease sale by 2019
  • Climate Change Impacts - Melting permafrost, altered caribou migration routes, increased forest fires, shrinking lakes
  • Wildlife – Polar bears, 200 species of migratory birds, arctic foxes, black & brown bears, Dall sheep, moose, musk oxen, caribou

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one of the most iconic and pristine landscapes in America. Its 1.5 million-acre coastal plain – the biological heart – is home to more than 250 species that migrate from all 50 states and 6 continents each year. The Porcupine Caribou Herd, a primary subsistence food source for the Indigenous Gwich’in people, migrates hundreds of miles each year to the coastal plain to give birth. Because of this, the Gwich’in refer to the coastal plain as “The Sacred Place Where Life Begins.”

Despite the sacred and wild beauty that survives in the Refuge, the Trump administration is barreling towards a drilling program in its fragile coastal plain. After the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R.1) in December, which included the Arctic Refuge drilling mandate, the administration and supporters in Congress have made it abundantly clear that they intend to rush through public processes this while the political winds are in their favor. Please see below for relevant legislation, talking points, fact sheets, and more on what we're doing to defend the Arctic Refuge.

Fact Sheets | Congressional Letters | Public Letters | Maps | Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill

Recent Legislative Activity

  • H.R. 5911, Arctic Cultural & Coastal Plain Protection Act]
    • This bill would repeal the provision of the tax bill (H.R. 1) that mandates drilling in the Arctic Refuge and returns to status quo of no drilling.
    • To cosponsor: email Logan Ferree (mailto:logan.ferree@mail.house.gov) in Rep. Huffman's office.
  • H.R. 1, Tax Cuts & Jobs Act
    • The overhaul of the American tax code came with a provision that mandated leasing in the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge.

Talking Points

Fact Sheets

Congressional Letters

Public Letters


Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill