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[[File:Wideimage refuge floriancariboumom.jpg|500px|thumb|right]]   __NOTOC__
[[File:Arctic ocean photo.jpg|thumb|left]] __NOTOC__  
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one of the most iconic and pristine landscapes in America. Its 1.5 million-acre coastal plain – the biological heart – is home to more than 250 species that migrate from all 50 states and 6 continents each year. The Porcupine Caribou Herd, a primary subsistence food source for the Indigenous Gwich’in people, migrates hundreds of miles each year to the coastal plain to give birth. Because of this, the Gwich’in refer to the coastal plain as “The Sacred Place Where Life Begins.”
Despite the sacred and wild beauty that survives in the Refuge, the Trump administration is barreling towards a drilling program in its fragile coastal plain. After the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R.1) in December, which included the Arctic Refuge drilling mandate, the administration and supporters in Congress have made it abundantly clear that they intend to rush through public processes this while the political winds are in their favor. Please see below for relevant legislation, talking points, fact sheets, and more on what we're doing to defend the Arctic Refuge.
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*Total Acreage – 19.6 million
*'''American's Arctic Ocean:''' Beaufort & Chukchi Seas.
*'''Most Recent Protection:''' In January 2016, President Barack Obama designated portions of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas off-limits to future oil and gas leasing via permanent withdrawals (9.8 million acres in 2015 and 115 million acres in 2016).
*Coastal Plain Acreage  – 1.5 million
*'''Drilling Threats:''' The proposed 2019-2024 5-Year National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for offshore drilling included three lease sales each in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas; directional drilling into federal waters from current leases in the Beaufort Sea. 3 million acres in the Beaufort Sea remain open to oil and gas leasing.
*'''Climate Change Impacts:''' The Arctic is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world, leading to melting sea ice and global sea level rise.
*Original Protection – 1960 under Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower
*'''Risk:''' According to the federal government, the risk of a major oil spill in the Arctic Ocean could be as high as 75%.
*'''Wildlife:''' The Arctic Ocean is home to walrus, whales, birds, seals and the entire population of U.S. polar bears.
*Expanded Protection – 1980 under Jimmy Carter in the Alaska National Interest Land Conservation Act (ANILCA)
*Most Recent Protection – 2015 under President Obama, USFWS Wilderness recommendation transmitted to Congress of 12.28 million acres
*Wilderness bills – S. 820; H.R. 1889
*Repeal bill - H.R. 5911
*Wildlife – Polar bears, 200 species of migratory birds, arctic foxes, black & brown bears, Dall sheep, moose, musk oxen, caribou
[[#Fact Sheets|Fact Sheets]] | [[#Congressional Letters|Congressional Letters]] | [[#Public Letters|Public Letters]] | [[#Maps|Maps]] | [[#Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill|Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill]]
America's Arctic Ocean, the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, is home to polar bears, bowhead whales, walrus and many other iconic marine animals. Yet oil and gas development remains a threat to these waters despite a serious lack of scientific understanding of the region and no credible means for cleaning up an oil spill in the Arctic's harsh and remote conditions. America’s Arctic is ground zero for the devastating impacts of climate change – warming at three times the rate of the rest of the world – and offshore drilling will only exacerbate the problem.
'''''Recent Legislative Activity'''''
The Obama administration protected 125 million acres of ecologically sensitive marine environments, the entire Chukchi Sea and most of the Beaufort Sea. This was done with the authority under Section 12(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA). President Trump signed an executive order seeking to undo President Obama’s use of that authority, reopening the entire Arctic Ocean to oil and gas leasing. The Trump administration barreled forward with [https://www.wsj.com/articles/proposed-changes-to-offshore-drilling-rules-raise-safety-questions-1514750730 regulatory rollbacks] and offshore leasing instead of maintaining the publicly-supported and scientifically sound protections for America's Arctic Ocean. On day one of the Biden administration the Obama era protections for were reaffirmed. We must continue to seek permanent legislative protections for all of our coasts from new offshore oil and gas development. Please see below for relevant legislation, talking points, fact sheets, and more on what we're doing to defend the Arctic Ocean.
*'''H.R. 5911, Arctic Cultural & Coastal Plain Protection Act'''
** the bill to repeal the provision of the tax bill (H.R. 1) that mandates drilling in the Arctic Refuge and returns to status quo of no drilling
*'''H.R. 1, Tax Cuts & Jobs Act'''
[[#Fact Sheets|Fact Sheets]] | [[#Congressional Letters|Congressional Letters]] | [[#Maps|Maps]] | [[#Research & Reports|Research & Reports]]
** the overhaul of the American tax code came with a provision that mandated leasing in the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge
*'''H.R. 1889/S.820, Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act'''
**landmark legislation that would designate the coastal plain as protected wilderness
'''''Recent Legislative Activity'''''
*'''[https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/544?r=7&s=2 H.R. 544], [https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EX9o1ABBFjRGjIv_WKO-B44BtFDJRWpSpKtJ8FxnjvIq9w?e=9T6kR5 Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act] (116th Congress)
**This bill would prohibit oil and gas leasing in the Arctic Planning Area of the Outer Continental Shelf.
**To cosponsor, email Logan Ferree (mailto:logan.ferree@mail.house.gov) in Representative Huffman's office (D-CA).
'''''Opportunities to Show Support'''''
*Cosponsor [https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5911/text H.R. 5911]; [https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1889/text H.R. 1889]/[https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/820/text?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22s820%22%5D%7D&r=1 S. 820] - email Logan Ferree (logan.ferree@mail.house.gov) in Rep. Huffman's office & Morgan Gray (morgan_gray@markey.senate.gov) to co-sponsor.
'''''Talking Points'''''  
'''''Talking Points'''''  
*Last year, a devastating provision was passed as part of the unrelated tax bill that mandates oil and gas development in the iconic Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This damaging drilling provision mandates two lease sales within 10 years, each at least 400,000 acres in size, on the Refuge’s fragile coastal plain. Furthermore, this bill declared oil and gas as a purpose of the Arctic Refuge which has never before been the case, undercutting the integrity of the Arctic Refuge and setting a dangerous precedent for America’s entire National Wildlife Refuge System. The “Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection Act” would repeal this damaging provision and the stop the aggressive oil and gas development threat that is underway for the Arctic Refuge.
*Arctic communities, scientists, and a majority of Americans recognize that '''Arctic drilling is too risky and too dirty to allow'''. We must permanently protect the 125 million total acres withdrawn from leasing by administrative actions in 2015 and 2016, not move towards opening them for development including through a new oil and gas leasing program.
*The scars of 2-D seismic testing completed on the coastal plain in 1984 and 1985 are still visible 30 years later. Modern seismic exploration, however, is done using a 3-D technique that requires a much denser grid of trails. Just an EA will be insufficient- a full EIS is required for a proposal as impactful as seismic testing across the entire 1.6 million acre coastal plain. An EIS was conducted for the seismic performed in the 1980s.
*'''The risk of an oil spill is proven and it is significant''' – if oil spills, it will be a disaster. As we’ve seen from the Deepwater Horizon and Exxon Valdez spills, there is no such thing as an effective clean up: once oil has been spilled, the battle has been lost. In the Arctic, the Department of the Interior’s own assessment found that there was a [https://www.boem.gov/sites/default/files/environmental-stewardship/Environmental-Assessment/Oil-Spill-Modeling/Oil-Spill-Risk-OCS-LEASE-SALE-193.pdf 75% chance of an oil spill of greater than 1,000 barrels] with just the Chukchi Sea leases sold under the Bush administration.
*Seismic activities on the Coastal Plain will also adversely impact wildlife and their habitat, including polar bears. The Coastal Plain is the most important onshore denning habitat for polar bears, a federally listed species under the Endangered Species Act. Seismic activities have the potential to disturb polar bears during their denning season and to cause mothers to abandon their cubs. SAExploration’s seismic activities, which will extend from winter into spring, could also disturb other species like caribou and birds that return in the spring to the Refuge’s biological heart.
*'''The Arctic is ground zero for the devastating impacts of climate change''' – warming at three times the rate of the rest of the world. Reserves in the Arctic Ocean amount to [https://www.boem.gov/sites/default/files/oil-and-gas-energy-program/Resource-Evaluation/Resource-Assessment/2016_National_Assessment_Map_BOE_COLORS_BEAUFORT.pdf 23.6 billion barrels of oil and 104 trillion cubic feet of natural gas]and have the potential to release 15.8 billion tons of carbon if exploited – an amount equivalent to the emissions from all U.S. transportation modes for nearly a decade. Sea ice is declining, permafrost is melting and coastlines are eroding, and in order to avoid exacerbating these problems, Arctic Ocean oil must remain right where it is.
==<span id="Fact Sheets"></span>Fact Sheets==
==<span id="Fact Sheets"></span>Fact Sheets==
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/ET67v0XsU8xOp9_hog6PXeQBBS1vSSXlS5tBrPIVyxjyhA?e=SwCZEo Rep. Cole Amendment to FY19 Interior Appropriations Bill]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EX9o1ABBFjRGjIv_WKO-B44BtFDJRWpSpKtJ8FxnjvIq9w?e=9T6kR5 Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EXjc0MJfBDZPvJKvF1oIThABa0SYDznGwGWnYuFAt1EUMA?e=W7Ztw3 The Trump Administration's Attempt to Open the Refuge to Seismic Exploration]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/ETLFr_XljQ1PokP5hPTe0gYBenNNCmjiboDAWV5q3q6Yzg?e=gobd2G Remote Arctic Ocean Drilling Carries 75% Chance of an Oil Spill]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EaGT-MhVzXtEjhPVBABuReoBx9kkZp3PPKOvMCN4BxLVVA?e=xtyGJK Leasing in the Coastal Plain]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EXvZ4XwrcYBOjLYT6_C4BAIBLWfZEzrVOEgN6r1bgzxlTg?e=wXVbmy Protect Our Coasts: Threats from Offshore Drilling 101]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EejXQTCOaoNPrhi8DOARVzABZH8guR5mtIzM47D3aCRfPA?e=bZQb3F Potential Legislative Threats to the Arctic Refuge]
==<span id="Congressional Letters"></span>Congressional Letters==  
==<span id="Congressional Letters"></span>Congressional Letters==  
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EbioaIIiXvNKq8eyQKIIBH0Bq_Ns4QqCi4kAs6LyzNgi5Q?e=p8GFOF Letter from Senate Democrats Against NOI & Arctic Refuge Leasing], June 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/sites/External/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=05fe25a55b5bb489ebb553829a1a8a625&authkey=AXR8KJt_gO06AYpRh_CaHw0&e=vdhsww Letter from House Democrats to Acting DOI Secretary Bernhardt Concerning Oil and Gas Activity During Government Shutdown], January 2019
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/ESNz8GgSO7JPmFROoMl_ZKIB3Ob-Am3CyXwgsn_abQu9fA?e=a5ZJoO Letter from House Democrats Against NOI & Arctic Refuge Leasing], June 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EQrWpu3eSeNKnia4m6WKWAwBFUMqbjU_mT4CfAmxKjjZZg?e=3KhXhH Bicameral Letter to DOI Secretary Zinke Opposing Beaufort Sea Lease Sale], April 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EYwUsm-brfJDud7JlQ8_6EgBFNHOUWKSRXPXi2zeTKK6uA?e=G7v5QW House Natural Resources Committee Democrats Letter to Secretary Zinke], April 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EbKvD2i7umVEmjylmo9jTo8B-lDiAkNwki9-iclRd03I-A?e=HVxRBZ Letter from House Democrats to DOI Secretary Zinke Opposing Draft Proposed 2019-2024 Offshore Drilling Program], January 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EeBXjOTzWMFHpZr8iqjtlfYBfT3bP0GmWzE-TfmHhzOqOw?e=bqCwZj Republican Letter Opposing Arctic Refuge Drilling in Budget Process], June 2017
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EXf4ZIPoBJ9KlkV__kfsJI0B7o-UWFmue-puICchbNvyqQ?e=W2HNjC Letter from Senate Democrats to DOI Secretary Zinke Opposing Draft Proposed 2019-2024 Offshore Drilling Program], January 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EbaFpSBl89BLoCh7y9KPvMMByntIqvdb71fuR0JsM7WhpA?e=5swABL Bicameral Letter to Secretary Zinke Opposing Secretarial Order 3352], June 2017
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EV-itvyM_K9Bl4SuO9ewHqABG9wgjYpaKvKTWkYu5gr0kQ?e=rRK2Zy Letter from House Democrats to DOI Secretary Zinke Urging the Exclusion of the Arctic Ocean from the 2019-2024 5-year Plan], August 2017
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EeA9Dcumj9dGiNZoShfU8NcBp8R8MbtgGqoWPgYFMCA-Mg?e=duBmAb Letter from Senate Democrats to DOI Secretary Zinke Opposing Leasing in the 2017-2022 5-Year Plan for Request for Information], August 2017
==<span id="Public Letters"></span>Public Letters==  
==<span id="Maps"></span>Maps==
*[https://thelastoil.unm.edu/scholars-for-defending-the-arctic-refuge/ Scholar Letter], June 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/ES0fkpIiuI9Mnu8w4pUYybIBE9sZ_6kChKESau4YrobgeA?e=7tK4TN Map of 2020 Beaufort and Chukchi Sea OCS Leases]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/ESW47pTE6plAsnRwavBxsLAB5mIYqW5AiTCNhXyPjZR4zA?e=K57oQV Guide & Outdoor Recreation Professional Letter], June 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EUltnq2bsP5Fv872xteAdcwBm8TMYkjWrXjoE0SU7PVYcg?e=yhZWTM Map of 2018 Beaufort Sea OCS Leases]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EZu217_JMHlLgP8bXHOsWXwBguQVUPwD6v8O9ipT024B4Q?e=aMPNLa Athlete Letter], June 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EYXQ633W0RhLjWuNJtvBxwIB55OHbhGBgFw-ipQmpxJQsg?e=yD5CxH Map of 2017 Chukchi Sea OCS Leases]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EcOUJMmzdyZOqqjEwML3W4QBdTqUDvOvXx6AD9x5TVZ-EA?e=Si25NC Gwich'in Steering Committee Letter], May 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:i:/s/External/EXylF_VNghpKhz-Pp4mzOgUBw1cHOTwtEJOQiu8cBQR7mw?e=hMMRsj Oil & Gas Leasing on Alaska's North Slope]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EeI3bOK_mBJFvmDGzb07VuQB5DwuaEg3L-Zt3A_02S_0Dg?e=drUWcF Investor Letter], May 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/Ec3oV9_ga2VImUcZiCE1KcgBpvddC6s1NtNWwLHNtyarag?e=BewuYM Arctic Values Map]
==<span id="Maps"></span>Maps==  
==<span id="Research & Reports"></span>Research & Reports==
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EUoZ-mbwNJFHu3l5Svr_CSwBzQ74QDZgKOJKw3kULL_7_A?e=vU5Pl5 ASRC Lands in the Arctic Refuge]
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/news/2019/10/23/475732/trumps-offshore-drilling-plan-environmental-disaster/ Trump’s Offshore Drilling Plan Would Be an Environmental Disaster - Center for American Progress], October 2019
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EY7EsGn9MVtJrdFKZTJebqsBGk0NbxdWdwanZCA5C6qFBw?e=XFdoHB Porcupine Caribou Herd Migration Route Map - Gwich'in Steering Committee]
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/news/2018/01/04/444121/trumps-interior-department-ill-prepared-deal-next-big-spill/ Trump's Interior Department Is Ill-Prepared to Deal with the Next Big Spill - Center for American Progress], January 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EemhqaCzAq9BmZIHqC2EE1kBj8xO48-SZD9yiQ3yoX6DmA?e=XRVmia Oil & Gas Leasing in the North Slope]
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/External/EeSmedrASyRMrcrmXbQqJUQB1b1Sac0UbJ57dYbJAIzl3w?e=Og65Rl The Fate of the Arctic in Offshore Oil Blowouts - Natural Resources Defense Council], December 2016
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/ETmWPWxFJLdCnFjKI7dYsNQBXkGQ6TMldFd5C29nMOjAuw?e=4XsKAw Arctic Values Map]
==<span id="Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill"></span>Reports & Previous Attempts to Drill==
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/reports/2018/08/09/454309/powerful-arctic-oil-lobby-group-youve-never-heard/ The Most Powerful Arctic Lobby Group You've Never Heard Of - Center for American Progress], August 2018
*[https://alaskawildernessleague.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/programs/EfFic9tL-jlHnou3ti63o8MBnkTPFIKoKA27Nt0pd0C8iA?e=yAo38U Oil Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Impacts on Deficit and National Energy Security], November 2018
*[https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/news/2017/10/10/440559/arctic-national-wildlife-refuge-101/ Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 101], October 2017

Latest revision as of 09:05, 15 April 2021

Arctic ocean photo.jpg
  • American's Arctic Ocean: Beaufort & Chukchi Seas.
  • Most Recent Protection: In January 2016, President Barack Obama designated portions of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas off-limits to future oil and gas leasing via permanent withdrawals (9.8 million acres in 2015 and 115 million acres in 2016).
  • Drilling Threats: The proposed 2019-2024 5-Year National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for offshore drilling included three lease sales each in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas; directional drilling into federal waters from current leases in the Beaufort Sea. 3 million acres in the Beaufort Sea remain open to oil and gas leasing.
  • Climate Change Impacts: The Arctic is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world, leading to melting sea ice and global sea level rise.
  • Risk: According to the federal government, the risk of a major oil spill in the Arctic Ocean could be as high as 75%.
  • Wildlife: The Arctic Ocean is home to walrus, whales, birds, seals and the entire population of U.S. polar bears.

America's Arctic Ocean, the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, is home to polar bears, bowhead whales, walrus and many other iconic marine animals. Yet oil and gas development remains a threat to these waters despite a serious lack of scientific understanding of the region and no credible means for cleaning up an oil spill in the Arctic's harsh and remote conditions. America’s Arctic is ground zero for the devastating impacts of climate change – warming at three times the rate of the rest of the world – and offshore drilling will only exacerbate the problem.

The Obama administration protected 125 million acres of ecologically sensitive marine environments, the entire Chukchi Sea and most of the Beaufort Sea. This was done with the authority under Section 12(a) of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA). President Trump signed an executive order seeking to undo President Obama’s use of that authority, reopening the entire Arctic Ocean to oil and gas leasing. The Trump administration barreled forward with regulatory rollbacks and offshore leasing instead of maintaining the publicly-supported and scientifically sound protections for America's Arctic Ocean. On day one of the Biden administration the Obama era protections for were reaffirmed. We must continue to seek permanent legislative protections for all of our coasts from new offshore oil and gas development. Please see below for relevant legislation, talking points, fact sheets, and more on what we're doing to defend the Arctic Ocean.

Fact Sheets | Congressional Letters | Maps | Research & Reports

Recent Legislative Activity

Talking Points

  • Arctic communities, scientists, and a majority of Americans recognize that Arctic drilling is too risky and too dirty to allow. We must permanently protect the 125 million total acres withdrawn from leasing by administrative actions in 2015 and 2016, not move towards opening them for development including through a new oil and gas leasing program.
  • The risk of an oil spill is proven and it is significant – if oil spills, it will be a disaster. As we’ve seen from the Deepwater Horizon and Exxon Valdez spills, there is no such thing as an effective clean up: once oil has been spilled, the battle has been lost. In the Arctic, the Department of the Interior’s own assessment found that there was a 75% chance of an oil spill of greater than 1,000 barrels with just the Chukchi Sea leases sold under the Bush administration.
  • The Arctic is ground zero for the devastating impacts of climate change – warming at three times the rate of the rest of the world. Reserves in the Arctic Ocean amount to 23.6 billion barrels of oil and 104 trillion cubic feet of natural gasand have the potential to release 15.8 billion tons of carbon if exploited – an amount equivalent to the emissions from all U.S. transportation modes for nearly a decade. Sea ice is declining, permafrost is melting and coastlines are eroding, and in order to avoid exacerbating these problems, Arctic Ocean oil must remain right where it is.

Fact Sheets

Congressional Letters


Research & Reports